Advantages of Owning an Electric Vehicle

electric vehicle

Electric vehicle is the future of the automotive industry. With the rising prices of fuel and many other factors, EV is clearly the best choice of vehicle right now. Do you agree?

Pure combustion engines are still present these days but they are actually at the later stages of their industry. Why? More and more car manufacturers are building their own version of electric vehicles.

Aside from the ever popular Tesla, Toyota, Hyundai, Lexus, Volvo, Nissan and many others are all producing their own EVs.

So are EVs truly worthy of your hard earned money? Will you join the bandwagon and own an electric vehicle? If you aren’t sure if EVs are for you, then this post will give you some of the advantages of owning an electric vehicle. Read on!

Advantages of Electric Vehicle

If you read my previous article regarding Nissan Leaf, which is one of the most popular EVs in the planet made by a non-EV car manufacturer, has all the tech and features that you would want in a car.

Except of course for its pricey cost and limited charging stations (which hinders the EV market here in the Philippines), electric vehicles gives more perks than a conventional petrol or diesel engine vehicles. Let me cite some of the big advantages or benefits of owning an EV.

electric car charging

Lower Ownership Costs

Can’t stress this enough. With electricity being much more cheaper than fuel, you’ll get more savings driving an EV compared to a combustion engine car, especially if you drive your car in a daily basis.

Electric vehicles offer an outstanding long-term value as you can get big savings in the long run!  

Cheaper to Maintain

If you are an avid follower to my Youtube channel and this blog, then you know that combustion engines have various maintenance tasks that you need to do in a regular basis.

This include fluid changes, filter changes, engine mainteinance and many others. With hundreds of moving parts and components that are oiled, petrol or diesel engines will really raise up your monthly expenses.

You won’t get that same amount of stress with electric vehicles as it only have three major components – electric motor, battery and charger, which keeps its maintenance cost cheaper than combustion engines.

EVs are Quiet to Drive

Like electric bikes, electric vehicles are quieter to drive compared to conventional petrol engine car. This gives the driver and passengers a less-stressful and more peaceful ride. 

The initial introduction of EVs in the US proved challenging as people are used to drive loud engine cars. Loud engines and exhaust of course helps lessen the chances of road collisions as you hear other cars passing, though of course it adds up to noise pollution. 

Tesla for example installed a speaker outside their car models to mimic the real sound of conventional petrol vehicle. But overtime, people got used to a quiet EVs and more people are now accustomed to its which also lessens the probability of accidents. 

So instead of being a disadvantage, a quite driving EV is truly a benefit that you have to look in a car. 

EVs are Environment-Friendly

Electric vehicles emits zero emissions to the environment compared to petrol and diesel engines (even Hybrid cars) which emits harmful greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide. 

Pure electric vehicles have no tailpipe (exhaust that emits harmful gasses) so it significantly reduces the local air pollution in your city. 

Since EVs doesn’t use motor oils and other fluids to run their engines, it also produces no chemical wastes into the environment. As you know, not all used oil are recycled and some found their way to water and land systems which pollutes the environment. 

Electric vehicles also don’t use filters and other replaceable parts that are common maintenance task in a petrol and diesel engines. So EVs don’t pollute your land fills as they don’t accumulate vehicle wastes that much.

Better Resale Value

As I mentioned in my Nissan Leaf post, electric vehicles are expensive compared to conventional combustion engine vehicles. This is probably the only disadvantage you can think of for an electric driven car. 

However, that isn’t a bad trait at all as electric vehicles have higher resale value compared to combustion engine vehicles. So yeah, investing in an EV gives you the benefit of getting higher return when you decide to resell the car. 

electric vehicle charging up

Bottom Line

Still not convinced that electric vehicles are here to stay? Well, it is worth noting that the sale of new petrol and diesel automobiles are now just until 2030. Yup that’s right! You won’t be able to buy any fuel-based cars in the near future so buy your own electric vehicles today!